“Don’t wait to buy land, buy land and wait”…

We offer private lending through Pacific Properties and have various direct lenders that make quick loans at fair rates. We look for quality homes or commercial buildings to secure these loans, and in some cases we will lend against raw land. The regions we cover are the central pacific (from Quepos to Tarcoles) and central valley (Escazu / San Jose). We look for four things with every loan, listed below in order of importance:

1. Collateral Value: The loan must not exceed 50% of the fire sale/liquidation value in the current market within 30 to 60 days

2. Principle Repayment: Is there an acceptable strategy to pay back the principle at the end of the term (ie, refinance, sale, etc.)?

3. Interest Payments: Is there an acceptable strategy to make interest payments on time?(ie, cash flow in or reserve) ?

4. Foreclosure Market: Are there buyers for this type of property upon foreclosure in the current market?

Please contact us if you, or someone you know, would like a loan or would like to start lending to generate high but safe returns. We have licensed attorneys that can assist with the loan closing process, as well as registered trust administrators. Lenders may also opt to use their own legal counsel.

Did you know you can also roll over your 401(k) to purchase investment property in Costa Rica? 

You have to change your 401(k) into a self-directed 401(k), which is easy to do. Then follow the instructions from the Costa Rican closing attorney. (We have specific recommendations in regards to legal counsel for this process, please inquire for additional contact information) Then your 401(k) becomes owner of the property, so you won’t have to pay any taxes. Income on the vacation rental goes back into your 401(k). Once you retire and you have reached the age that you don’t have to pay any taxes when you pull out the retirement funds, your 401(k) sells the property to you.